K – 12 Watershed Projects
We offer hands-on science programs to schools focused on protecting their watersheds.
Thrasher Elementary Environmental Club (TEC) learned about stormwater, investigated their campus and proposed designs to their principal, who then approved them. We then had an engineer (from Stantec Engineering) and a landscaper (Appalachian Design) who built the rain garden. The kids and PTA are taking care of it and Heidi Mies’ science classes do studies out there. It’s cool!!
The coolest project to emerge from that grant was at Skyuka Hall (formerly Scenic Land School) which is a little private school for kids with learning differences.
We provided watershed and water study lesson for four years while they designed and proposed to the landowner, General Bill Raines, the frog and salamander wetland that they wanted to see installed. This spring we held the grand opening of the wetland and the frogs had already moved in!!
The kids have also planted butterfly gardens and gotten approved as a Schoolyard Wildlife Habitat and Monarch Waystation. We will tag monarchs as they fly back through here in the fall.
Part of our work is a contract to assist Town of Signal Mountain with their stormwater permit requirements for Outreach and Education, so we frequently work with Nolan Elementary and Thrasher Elementary on Signal Mountain.
The Leo Club at Signal Mountain High School is also a group we work with and they are also fantastic volunteers.